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MDR-Support - Support for MDR compliance for rehabilitation robotics


MDR-Support - Support for MDR compliance for rehabilitation robotics

The Medical Device Regulation (MDR), effective since May 2021, replaces the previous Medical Device Directive (MDD) and augments the safety and performance of medical devices. This has increased the requirements for new and existing products - a challenge for the entire industry.

Colltex Skifell Montage

Close on-site collaboration with Hocoma's product management and development teams allowed for the updating and redrafting of the respective documents. In addition, type testing activities in the field of electrical safety and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) were guided and performed with the help of Quo.  

“This unprecedented milestone allows us to secure continued market access to the European Union and other countries relying on the European system for medical device certification as a crucial element for our growth strategy.”
Jason Chen, CEO and Chairman of DIH
Optrel swissair design detail
Optrel swissair design detail



Further References